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Front Porch Conversation

Updated: Jan 6, 2020

Featuring Justin and Jessika Mayer

It's always nice to break down professional barriers and learn more about individuals in our real estate community. We recently visited two of our industry experts, Justin and Jessika Mayer, with ReeceNichols South Central Kansas, at their beautiful home. We are moved that this heartfelt and hardworking couple shared a sincere glance into their lives and their story, so we may get better acquainted with them. Here is what Jessika wrote.....

For us, Real Estate is NOT about selling houses. Real Estate is about helping people. This is our firm belief and why we love Real Estate. If it was about selling, neither of us could have lasted in this business. We both love people. Justin, being a former Pastor for 10 years, brings a unique background to helping families buy and sell homes. He is so compassionate and caring about each person he works with. The end result for both of us is not the sale, but that the person we are working with is taken care of.

Justin and I have the same priorities, which makes our business run smoothly. God comes first, our marriage second, our children third. Our lives revolve around this belief and that helps us be better in our careers, because our priorities are where we want them to be. Family is everything to us. Our biological family and our church family. You can’t talk with us very long without realizing our church IS our family. Our lives center around loving Jesus, serving others (both in real estate and in daily life), being with family and watching KU basketball.

As I have gotten older, I have grown so much in all areas of life: personally, spiritually and in business. The main priorities of our business philosophy have never changed: being a person that can be a trusted advisor, counted on and can help lead the client to the right place for good information, whether that is before, during a sale, or after. We love when clients call us and ask us advice on home remodeling or ask us for a recommendation on a contractor…even asking who we would trust to put up Christmas lights. This warms my heart because I know they trust us. We know we did a good job when a buyer or seller refers their friends and family to us. Trust is the most important aspect of this business. If you can’t trust your Realtor and don’t believe they have your best interests in mind, it changes the entire situation and transaction. I would say that all our clients consider us friends, and we hold them as friends as well. That is so special to both of us and keeps us in this business.

I started in Real Estate almost 20 years ago. I loved it from the first day and have never looked back. Twelve years ago, my business had grown so much that I could not keep doing it on my own. I had 3 young children and was missing so much of their lives. I knew I needed help to bring balance back into my life. As Justin and I prayed about what to do, it became very clear that God was showing us the answer was right in our own home. Justin got his Real Estate license and began to help me. It was perfect. He brought so much to our business and it began to grow and develop into what it is today. We love working together. It’s so special because we both have such different personalities. It brings the best out of both of us and to/for our clients. It gives us such a unique business culture, being husband and wife of almost 21 years and in business together. We can work through issues that come up in a transaction with two perspectives and come to a great solution providing the client with the best advice.

Our business is evolving once again. I have accepted the position of Managing Broker of the new ReeceNichols South Central Kansas West Wichita office. I am incredibly excited and yet so honored to be serving in this capacity. I have wanted to be a Managing Broker for almost 10 years, but it never was the right time. When I sat down with the incredible leadership team of ReeceNichols, I knew it was right. The time was right, the people were right. It was right and felt so good!  We open our West office doors in the beginning of January. What a great way to start a new year! I am so passionate in teaching and live to see others succeed. I cannot wait to serve agents and help them reach their full potential.

I have worked under the best of the best these past 20 years. Moving to ReeceNichols South Central Kansas and aligning our business with some of the greatest leaders and agents was icing on the cake. The synergy and community that is at ReeceNichols is different…special. I am so excited to bring this environment to the West Wichita office! I have so many ideas to help agent. Being an agent for almost 2 decades gives me a unique perspective as a Managing Broker. I am ready for this and am backed by an incredible leadership team who truly believes in me and believes in Wichita. I am so thankful to Delaine Lacey, Sharon West, Todd Woodburn, John McKenzie, Barb Boulanger and Richelle Knotts. Working under these leaders the past 20 years have helped shaped me and prepared me for this new adventure.

Justin has been the leader of our real estate business the past 10 years, so that helps make this transition smooth. We are excited for this new phase of Real Estate and think it will also help bring a unique perspective to our friends and clients who choose to buy and sell real estate with us.


1. Name? Jessika Mayer

2. Where are you from? We are both from Wichita. We both grew up in West Wichita and moved East for our children to attend Christian Schools. We now have 2 at Central Christian Academy, and 1 at Andover High School (Go Trojans!)

3. Current Company and Position? ReeceNichols South Central Kansas. Justin has been a licensed real estate agent for almost twelve years. I have been licensed for almost 20 years, and obtained my Broker’s License over 10 years ago. I just accepted the position of the Managing Broker of the new ReeceNichols South Central Kansas West Wichita office.

4. First Job? Sales clerk at The Limited when I was 15. I have always been in sales in some capacity.

5. What that first job taught me? That I loved serving people and helping them.

6. Best advice ever given? “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength…love others as yourself” (Matthew 22:38-39)

7. Hobbies? I love to write and sing. I love KU basketball!

8. Favorite restaurant? Georges French Bistro. Their chocolate crepes.

9. The person who has most impacted

your life? My husband Justin and my Pastor, Kit Tabor. Both of these men showed me what real love looks like, through an unconditional view. Kit Tabor taught me to love myself and showed me a God who loved me for who I was, not what I did. He showed me that God is a personal God - that Jesus could be my best friend and wanted a personal relationship with me. Justin has taught me so much over the years on grace, mercy and compassion. He has helped me see myself through eyes of love, and that makes me a better person, a better wife and a better mom. He always puts me first in everything. He truly is my soul mate…and he impacts me everyday to love others well.

10. Biggest personal achievement? My 3 children. Korin- 15, Eli- 13 and Sam- 12

11. Biggest challenge to overcome? Not being too hard on myself. I have very high standards in Real Estate as a wife and as a mom. Sometimes this is good, but sometimes it can be self-harming. I have to lay my life down daily and operate out of the grace and love of Jesus Christ. When I do this, I am centered and at peace. When I don’t I am very critical of myself.

12. Favorite coffee place – Anywhere that serves espresso and where my family or friends are!

13. Where can you be found when you're

not working? At home with my family.

14. What is the scariest thing you have ever

done for fun? Skydiving a week before my wedding!

15. If you could live in any sitcom or movie

which one would it be? Seinfeld. "No soup for you!"

16. What or who lights you up? When I see Jesus transforming a life. There is nothing on this earth that compares to the freedom and salvation found in Jesus Christ.


1. Name? Justin Mayer

3. First Job? Busboy at Rolling Hills Country Club

4. What that first job taught me? Not looking down on those that are in a lesser position than you are.

5. Best advice ever given? What did my wife tell me? Haha. Really, from my Pastor. When I was in youth ministry, he told me people will rise up in leadership to whatever level of leadership you are demonstrating.

6. Last book you read? "Dreaming with God" by Bill Johnson

7. Hidden Talent? My love for people.

8. Favorite restaurant? Quik Trip

9. The person who has most impacted

your life? Pastor Kit Tabor. In friendship and longevity of life together.

10. Biggest personal achievement? My children

11. Biggest professional achievement? The quality of relationships that have come through Real Estate.

12. I experiences

13. Last thing you watched on Netflix, Hulu,

etc.? Jack Ryan

14. Anything you would like to tell us about

yourself? Laughter is my favorite thing.

15. If you could live in any sitcom or movie

which one would it be? Psych

16. Favorite weekend activity? College Basketball

17. If you could instantly become an expert

at something, what would it be? Healing people

18. What is the best gift that you have ever

received? Salvation

19. What or who lights you up? Exploring and new experiences.

Jessika and Justin Mayer

ReeceNichols South Central Kansas

Phone: (316) 650-8370

Office Address: 1551 North Waterfront Parkway, Suite 110

Wichita,KS 67206

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