The Importance of Seeing Your Home Through Your 'Buyers' Eyes
Updated: Nov 21, 2019
Written by Rachel Murphy, Industry Expert in Home Organization and Owner of Simplify My Life

The Importance of Seeing Your Home Through Your 'Buyers' Eyes! Well, you did it... you finally made the choice to list your home.
Maybe it's a new job or the fact that you need more space, or maybe it's time to downsize. Regardless of your reason, we can all admit it can be really stressful and waiting for the "right" buyer to come along. Talk about stress!
But don't panic yet, I'm here to try and make that wait and stress a lot less by sharing some tips that will hopefully have you and your Realtor jumping for joy and 'high-fiving' each other in no time at all.

So here's the truth that most 'Sellers' miss... "most 'Buyers' don't see the HOME... they see your stuff in the home."
And because of that one little detail, your home which may be perfect for them is missed time and time again.
But, no worries... today I am going to give you some tips that will have that SOLD sign going up in no time... or at least give you the edge that your competition may miss.
SO today we are going to start to look at our home through our buyers' eyes...As a Professional Organizer and Stager, I have seen this one adjustment change the game time and time again.
There are tons of staging tips out there and all of them offer sound advice on the basics; clean, declutter, and stage.
But what can you do to set yourself apart in what has (thankfully) become a competitive market? The answer is easy, grab your phone and come with me.
Start taking pictures. I want you to open up the closets, the cupboards, the drawers, get down low, and snap away. NOW really take a look at what you see. What STANDS out as clutter or personalizes the space? Remove it! What doesn't look like it should be homed there? Box it up, better yet, if it no longer serves you 'let it go." What screams 'not enough space?' TRUST ME... 'your buyers' don't miss a thing! And neither should you! It's really easy when you live in a space to get "Clutter Blindness" this means - we don't see what others do. Taking time to "SEE" what you're missing will save not only time but money! Simple fixes can change the game, give you the advantage you need, and help your buyer see that your home is "Just the right home for THEM!" Can we say "WINNING!"
A few more quick tips... 1.Think about using the same color or type of hangers in your closet. Don't forget about the ROYGBIV (color system). Trust me... GAME CHANGER in how it looks and the visual space it will create. 2. Pack away the extra towels, keep 1 to 2 for each family member and pack away the rest. This creates a nice clean look and gives you back that prime real-estate. BONUS: You've already started packing! -- Rachel Murphy SIMPLIFY MY LIFE ICT

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